Neurodiversity Resources for Parents & Professionals


We know that it can be overwhelming to sift through all of the resources available to you across multiple platforms. We have provided our short list of resources that can provide you additional support and information.

Social Media:

Neurowild-Illustrations and support for neurodiversity

Giraffe Party-Curated safe space to talk about neurodiversity.

The Regulated Classroom (IG)-Ideas, strategies, and thoughts about regulation in the classroom

End Seclusion-Powerful resource to hear from a variety of researchers, educators, therapists, and parents. 

Neurodiversity Classroom-Ideas, strategies, and thoughts for supporting neurodiversity in the classroom.

Greg Santucci OT-Support for looking beyond behaviors and addressing sensory processing.

Emily King, PhD-Support for parents and teachers.


The Neurodivergent Woman-A podcast aimed at amplifying neurodivergent women’s voices and share intimate stories of their lived experiences.

Tilt Parenting-A podcast for parenting differently wired children.

Learn, Play, Thrive-A podcast that explores research, amplifies autistic voices, and strives to rewrite the narrative of neurodiversity.

Uniquely Human-A podcast that continues to expand the conversation about neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity Podcast-A podcast with a variety of topics related to neurodiversity. 

Two Sides of the Spectrum-A podcast from Meg Proctor that explores research, amplifies autistic voices, and changes the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice. (Note: the link on this page routes to the host’s website “Learn, Play, Thrive” and podcast page, but you can find the podcast on various apps by searching for “Two Sides of the Spectrum”).

Websites/People to follow:

Autistic Science Person-A guide to help parents understand their autistic child

Autism Level UP-A wealth of tools for neurodiversity curated by an autistic advocate and OT.

Bright and Quirky-Support for parents raising twice exceptional children.

Star Institute-A great resource for learning more about sensory processing.

Universal Design for Learning-A framework for teachers and educators to provide universal support for all learners. 

Neurodivergent Insights - A website offering trainings to empower your team with neurodivergent insights trainings

Profectum - parent toolkit and other training offerings

Debbie Reber - parenting activist helping other parents raise differently wired(TM) kids in a conventional world - online resource with quizes, workplace resources, parenting app, and more.

Neurobears- A great video resource for kids to explain brain differences