We Now Offer the Safe and Sound Protocol

We are proud to announce that we now offer the Safe and Sound Protocol at the Center for Connection for kids who need help with regulating their emotions.


Based on years of research by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol is a 5-day therapeutic listening program designed to help increase the social engagement system in children and adults while simultaneously calming the nervous system. We must be regulated and organized in order to understand language and engage socially with one another!

SSP is a great way to help children and adults move through major transitions (such as starting school, starting a new job, going on vacation) and prepare for participation in other therapeutic interventions. Visit the Integrated Listening System (iLs) website for more information.

Dr. Jamie Chaves, OTD, OTR/L, SWC at the Center for Connection, can now administer the SSP, which can only be done by a professional who has participated in the training. Interested participants will commit to five (5) consecutive days of listening to the 60-minute sessions (which can be broken up into two 30-minute sessions with a short break in between, if necessary). The cost of the 5-day intervention is $1,000.

Please contact Dr. Chaves directly for more information or to participate in the program.

Note that this intervention is not meant to replace other forms of therapy--it is designed to be used in an adjunctive manner.